Kobuchizawa station’s Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten-free Restaurants
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Displaying all 6 restaurants
All-Vegan Optionssoujyu cafe & dining

All-Vegan Options
- Kobuchizawa station
- JR Chuo Line,JR Koumi Line
A cafe where you can enjoy organic vegetable dishes from company farm surrounded by nature

A cafe where you can enjoy organic vegetable dishes from company farm surrounded by nature
- Cuisine
- Fusion
- Average Cost
- 円 円
- Open
- 11:30 - 15:00(L.O. 14:00)
- Closed
- Closed【April to August】Wednesdays【September to March】Wednesdays and Thursdays (closed in winter holidays)

All-Vegan OptionsManamahalo

All-Vegan Options
- Kobuchizawa station
- JR Chuo Main Line

- Cuisine
- Average Cost
- 500 円 円
- Open
- 11:00-16:00
- Closed
- ClosedNo Regular Holiday
All-Vegan Optionsyamanopan kuwanomi(山のパン屋 桑の実)

All-Vegan Options
- Kobuchizawa station
- JR Chuo Main Line

- Cuisine
- Bread
- Average Cost
- 円 円
- Open
- [May - September] 7:00-18:00 /[October - April] 8:00-17:00
- Closed
- ClosedNo Regular Holiday
All-Vegan OptionsShouka
All-Vegan Options
- Kobuchizawa station
- JR Chuo Main Line

- Cuisine
- Soba (Japanese Buckwheat Noodles)
- Average Cost
- 1000 円1000 円
- Open
- (Daytime) around 11:30 until sold out. (Night) around 17:30 until sold out.
- Closed
- ClosedNon-fixed holiday Wednesday / Thursday
All-Vegan Optionsdeux chats
All-Vegan Options
- Kobuchizawa station
- JR Chuo Main Line

- Cuisine
- Chinese Medicinal Cooking
- Average Cost
- 1000 円 円
- Open
- 11:00 - 16:30
- Closed
- ClosedTuesday and Wednesday
All-Vegan OptionsRuu
All-Vegan Options
- Kobuchizawa station
- JR Chuo Main Line

- Cuisine
- Japanese
- Average Cost
- 2000 円4000 円
- Open
- 11:30 - 14:00、18:00 - 22:30
- Closed
- ClosedWednesday and The 3rd Thursday