- Prefecture
- Tokyo
- Transportation
- Cuisine
- Average Cost
- 1800 円 円
- Open Hours
- 11:00-17:00 Tuesday-Sunday and public holidays Closed on Mondays *On Saturdays and if there is an event, we close at 15:00 *If Monday is a public holiday, we will be closed the following Tuesday.
- Closed
- Monday
- Address
- 2-20-10 Higashimotomachi, Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo, JapanSee Google Maps
- Access
- 5 minutes walk from the south exit of Kokubunji Station
- Payment Method
- Cash, Paypay *We regret that we do not accept credit cards.
- Number of Seats
- 60
Non smoking
Wheelchair Access
Vegetarian menu
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2018/03/15 17:59chie0220植物がお出迎え。
2018/03/15 17:57chie02202018/03/15 17:56chie0220
2018/03/15 17:55chie02202018/03/15 17:54chie0220
2018/03/15 17:54chie0220メニュー
2018/03/15 17:53chie0220Please tell us if you'd recommend this restaurant and why. Got a favorite dish? Tell us about that too!
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